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  • mariannehussle

Bullet journaling, what the?

I had heard recently of one of the latest fads, it's called bullet journalling. I just thought that it was basically a way to color in your journal and spend way more time than I had trying to write down your thoughts. What working mom of two has time to connect the dots? Well this one actually. I finally bit the bullet (get it????) and tried it out. I don't think I'm ever going back.

What is it?

So what is it? A specific bullet journal is one that has bullet points instead of lines. This way it's easy to draw the lines that you need but allows for all sorts of creative patters and designs. So what goes in it? Anything you want!! Just a quick search on Pinterest for bullet journals will yield all sorts of fun ideas. Here are some of the saved ideas that I started with on Pinterest on my Bullet Journal board.

How do I do it?

Where to start?

For me I get a lot of inspiration off of pinterest. My husband has even deemed my scheming ways as "pinterestering" and comes with hand motions. Well I started a board and just started pinning like mad. From there I just started to copy ones that I like and then eventually found my own ideas to play with and find my own style.

What Can I use it for?

Here is a list of some of the things that I've been able to do with it so far.

Daily Self Care

Savings Goals

Fitness Goals


Christmas Lists

Home Design Ideas

To Do Lists

Recipes Ideas

Daily Goal Tracking


Journal Writing

And so much more...

Tips & Tricks

- Get lots of color pens!

- Lighter colors are hard to read for text

- I love doing all my outlines in one color and then writing and filling in with others

- Don't be afraid to try new ideas

- It's not going to look perfect every time

- Experiment with different "fonts" and calligraphy

Check out below some of the other pages I've been working on. It's all still a work in progress, but I'm loving it.

With this one I couldn't wait to start planning my garden for this summer. I still haven't filled in where I want everything to go, but the great thing about this kind of journal is that I can come back to it later.

I know the flower is really rough, but I also loved the leaf work that I was doing on this page. I need to get better at my shading too. Still fun to learn.

Here I've started some dialogue boxes of things I want to be doing for myself, and even my family on a monthly basis. I'm using a lot of these pages to establish some good routines (more coming on that later.)

If you haven't encountered yet, you really should go look at it! Even if it's just for a peek at their recipes. It's a life saver for us but that's another blog post too... This is just a list that I can come back to of some of our favorite from them.

Thanks for taking the time to read and if you do start journalling with one, stop by and let us know!


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